We made a special dish for out holiday. It is not a well-known dish, but it is finger-licking good. It is called Hot Bun Surround. This dish first originated somewhere out of Africa.
In order to put it together we have to utilize certain amount ounces of cornmeal, flour, sugar, grated avocado seed, and nutmeg, among other ingredients.
What intrigue us most friends came over and assist in preparation of our special dish. My friends, Hot Bun Surround was a challenge for me.
However, from the challenge I have learn a lot, my family said, I did well in helping them with the special dish. I am proud of myself I believe that I would do it again.
The ending results were good. Many people begin to place order for their special dish. I am thrilled about the outcome. Many of our Miracle Spiritual Network members have begun to place orders for our special dish.