Miracle S.N.

Dr. W.I. Hanson

My name is Dr. W.I. Hanson, a spiritual reader, advisor, healer, and much more. My journey began over fifty years ago. It all started in Westmoreland, Jamaica. I went to bed one night, and during the wee hours of the night, three angels appeared to me and said, “Don’t be afraid; we are servants of the lord.” During this time, I noticed I could not talk or move. I tried on several occasions but proved unsuccessful. This mystery continued for a while, trust me. I was so afraid, not knowing what it really was, although I was told by the angels. Sometimes, after I traveled to Kingston, Jamaica, to live with one of my older brothers, he said, “I noticed that there was something strange about you.”

Dr. W.I. Hanson

About a week later, he came to me and said, “brother, I know a very good reader. and his price is reasonable. I am going to take you to see him. ” I told him that was OK. Upon arrival, the spiritualist said, “Son, you are gifted.” My brother immediately replied, and said, “Oh yes!” The spiritualist further stated, “Let him come see me on Sunday.”

As a result of the above undertaken, I began to get calls from many countries, such as the United StatesCanada, EnglandBarbadosBermudaBahamas, and many other countries. I then pursued many courses in spiritual and psychic learning, along with other educational-driven degrees. Miracle Spiritual was founded with the goal of taking spiritual practice to the next level. 

I went to see him on that Sunday, and he told me that your journey begins here. I have learned a lot from him in my spiritual endeavors. I have done a lot of readings, healings, and other spiritual obligations. I enlisted in the police force, where a lot of spiritual obligations were also administered.

I then went back to Jamaica, still a cop, and was ordained as a minister of religion. During this time, I have demonstrated proficiency in my spiritual career. I was then transferred back to the United States of America, where many more spiritual endeavors were administered and are still being administered. During this time, Miracle spiritual was in the background work and diligently.